Posts tagged Tidebuy
Candy colored.

Writing this post makes me crave candy. It's been over a week and I'm afraid to touch the stuff since the stomach flu. Still feeling after shocks from that one. If I can't indulge on Christmas, you better feed me a LOT of wine because I will be one grumpy girl. 

Sugar + Johanna = blissful marriage

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Our weekend was good. Real good. I rested and spent real quality time with my little family. I'm looking forward to a slower week and more of the same. I'm also digging up all my elastic pants!

We kicked off the holiday season with the Mag Mile Lights Festival. I don't care if you have kids or not...this event is truly magical. The happiness is contagious and seeing thousands of people's faces light up at the sight of a float and holiday music makes this the best event Chicago has to offer. We've been going for four years now and I never tire of it. 

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Christmas plaid.

As a plaid lover extraordinaire, I must share my love affair with this shirt. It's so so soft that I wore it to bed Friday night. Yep, you read that correctly. It feels like it's been worn in and washed 100x's over making it my go-to closet grab as of late. 

Weird? Yeah, I agree. 

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Holy chic.

The biggest trend in my daily wardrobe seems to be the resurgence of all black and white. I've always prided myself as a colorful girl hence this realization is really confusing me. On one's really easy to get dressed when you reaching only for neutrals. On the other hand...I feel like my sartorial taste is changing yet again. (sort of like hormones but more fun)

The good news is...I still love me a good graphic tee!

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Let's talk business.

My photographer suggested the title of this post. Admittedly she was spot on. Today's #ootd is decidedly corporate-y. I do love this kelly green skirt though. It's always fun to rediscover pieces in your closet. Since I refuse to wear anything summer-y being the nature of the season...this will have to do. Did we discuss the fact that it was 80 degrees yesterday?

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Wardrobe workhorse.

There are certain items in my closet that really serve as the workhorses in my wardrobe. In particular, I get a lot of mileage in the blouse department. Every season I pick out 5-10 new, affordable options that can be paired with both skirts or trousers because versatility is key in a corporate environment. 

My husband works in a true corporate environment which is 100% traditional in every aspect of their dress code. I would never be able to get away with my current work ensembles however, I do class it up when I am meeting with big restaurant groups, etc. Looking the part is the half the battle in my opinion. (except for Friday's which always call for denim)

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