Wardrobe workhorse.

There are certain items in my closet that really serve as the workhorses in my wardrobe. In particular, I get a lot of mileage in the blouse department. Every season I pick out 5-10 new, affordable options that can be paired with both skirts or trousers because versatility is key in a corporate environment. 

My husband works in a true corporate environment which is 100% traditional in every aspect of their dress code. I would never be able to get away with my current work ensembles however, I do class it up when I am meeting with big restaurant groups, etc. Looking the part is the half the battle in my opinion. (except for Friday's which always call for denim)

That said, if I am going to take a risk it generally falls into three categories: 1. color 2. print or 3. accessories. And today, I went for all three but I still think it has a certain level of polish that deters my audience from thinking I'm heading to the club post meeting.

At least that's my goal.

I love this top because it looks great tucked in as well as casual. It's perfect for a lunch meeting but would look adorable with denim for a girl's night. It's tops like these that become staples in my closet. In fact, I just may buy it in two more colors. I mean, the shoulder details alone kinda steal the show. (shop more options below!)

c/o OASAP Ruffled Blouse | J.Crew Minnie Pant | J.Crew Leopard Mary Janes | c/o Tidebuy Gold Clutch | c/o Tidebuy Gold Cuff |