A fresh start. A clean slate. I love the promise of a new year. For me, it's equivalent to a freshly laundered bed. Jump in and cozy up because we've got 362 days left of opportunity. And while it's easy to get burnt out in marriage, work, in parenting, in friendship, in blogging...taking time off provided me perspective. With that, my first post of the year!
Read MoreDo you remember 2015's learnings? Me neither! Funny how some things remain the same yet so much has changed. I feel like this list is a little cranky but I really spoke authentically. 2016 was a great year but it had its challenges. I'm actually a bit exhausted from learning so I'm using this last week to recharge my batteries...hence the blog silence. I just need a break from pictures and pressure - truthfully. On the positive front; this has been a great year for family. We have had so much fun and I feel blessed that I have them to keep me grounded. We all need that don't we?
Read MoreI get asked constantly how my clients can improve their Instagram game. Constantly and it's one of my favorite questions to answer because it changes constantly!
If there's one thing I am well versed on, a student for life, it's social media. I don't talk about my job too much on this little blog of mine but I can tell you I know what I know and in this case...it's Instagram. I could not even calculate the hours I have spent staring at those little boxes and hashtags trying to up my game for my clients and then eventually...myself...all in the name of this little blog. I'm passionate about it and I love it. Sometimes I hate it but all in all, I'm infatuated with the conversations taking place.
Read MoreAnyone who knows me knows that I am rarely without a can of LaCroix in hand save for the hours of 5-9am when I am chugging back coffee and slapping myself awake. What you don't know is that I literally grew up on LaCroix. My parents didn't allow any pop in our house so the only way we could scratch that itch was by gulping down cans of flavored sparkling water.
In hindsight, it was a fabulous habit to enforce and now one of my daughters walks around with her own LaCroix. Yes, she's four years old and it could appear a bit ridiculous but hey...I know how to get her to consume more water!
Read MoreSanem is a girl's girl. She works tirelessly to grow her own business but she's just about the biggest supporter of her fellow entrepreneurs as anyone could be. She's a mother, a wife, a #girlboss, a friend and so much more. Every time I see her, it's easy...like no time has passed. I could talk to this woman about pretty much everything under the sun. She's equal parts serious as she is funny, too. We traded a few mom stories just the other night. She always makes me giggle because she keeps it real. What you don't know is that this beauty is the owner of a thriving boutique nestled in Oak Park for seven years now! That's retail success right there! See how she got started and meet one of my favorite Chicagoans!
Read MoreEntrepreneurs are an interesting breed. I always appreciate the ones that are humble and admit to how far they've come but also, how much they have to learn. Such was the case when I met Niku. She attended our first Oak Street Social social media seminar and I was struck with her presence. She quietly observed and took notes. Her questions were smart...she was a student of her own brand and better yet, the social media world which plays a giant role in getting the word out about her eponymous brand, Paris312. She was soft spoken but warm...the kind of lady boss that you want to sit down and have coffee with, because I am sure I could learn quite a bit from her, too. She's built a cohesive, feminine brand that marries two great cities - Chicago + Paris - in the form of fun, flirty party goods. Do I have your attention? Good...read on because Niku is a really cool woman!
Read MoreQuality time with my kids is somewhat a challenge before the holidays. There's a lot of craziness and running around...and events. We usually average about two weekends of "absolutely nothing" before we turn into spinning tops. Sound familiar?
Well, recently we got to hit the "pause" button and take our kids to the circus for the first time. Honestly, we had forgotten how good it was! Or maybe as adults, we've come to appreciate what a production it is. And our kids...they loved it!
Read MoreCorri has been an unstoppable force in the fashion community for years. Her story has inspired young women and fellow entrepreneurs for years including myself. Not only has her brand, eDrop-off, withstood multiple economy shifts but it continues to thrive. She's a knock-out, a rocker, a momma, a #bossbabe, a fashionista and more. Check out what makes Corri such a fan favorite in the Chicago community!
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