Morning lovelies! Today is my annual reader's survey post. (insert cheers of joy!) I'll make it short and sweet -
Read MoreWith the holidays in full swing, it's only fitting that I chose today's topic. I can't say I've ever written about it before but I think it's time. At this stage in my life, I've been to many-an-event or holiday party...some fabulous and some completely "meh" but all contributed to a greater understanding of not only what makes a wonderful hostess but also...what makes a pleasant guest. The end goal is easy...get invited to the next fabulous soiree! Easy enough right? Not so fast,'s a few things to consider:
Read MoreMorning! I've got another short and sweet post for you today. It's actually a little project I worked on over the summer and now, I can finally share. I was selected to be a guest on a local program reviewing restaurants called Check Please!
Read MoreTaking a break from my usual Friday posts to stop and smell the roses. I can't believe it's been this long since I did an Instagram round up. It's always fun to look back and reflect on the special, colorful moments that define a season or a moment in time. This is a round up of October and November thus far. What I love about it is all the fun field trips we took with the kids and the COLOR. It's my personal goal to make winter as colorful as possible this year. Think I'm up for the challenge? Yes!
Read MoreIt's smoothie time! Remember my August post? Well, I've been busy in the kitchen mixing, tasting and well, downing daily smoothies just for you. And because...well, it's good for you which is the best part about drinking liquid chocolate! Am I right?
Read MoreMorning ladies! Today's topic is near and dear to my heart. It's all about "fake it till you make it." Which, let's be honest, is an important skill to acquire and one that I exercise frequently in life. I've been a worker bee since birth. With the addition of marriage and soon after, two darling nuggets, it seems sleep is a precious commodity that I don't indulge in much. The only exception to that rule is anniversary vacations; even then my husband was staring at me @ 5am excited to book the day's winery visits.
Read MoreHave you guys ever indulged in Alaskan King Crab Mac n' Cheese? What about a perfectly seasoned petite filet? Top that off with an Apple Cinnamon Moscow Mule? Oh you have? But have you indulged in all three for LUNCH at Sullivan's Steakhouse on a random Thursday?
Well, I know I haven't...but that changed last week and my tastebuds have been spinning ever since!
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