What Say You?

Morning lovelies! Today is my annual reader's survey post. (insert cheers of joy!) I'll make it short and sweet -
Would you be so kind as to fill out this short lil diddy with your feedback? I want brutal honesty! Gimme the works because I want to keep ya around. Much love and and thank you in advance! xo
Click here for my reader survey!
* Check out today's links ups: Mix & Match Fashion, Penniless Socialite, Sincerely Jenna Marie, Living in Color!
I just love the magic of the final two months of the year. The uplifted moods, the music, the twinkle and the excuse to majorly blow off any diet I may have been on. You only live once, right?
Well, I have the great fortune with this blogging hobby to get first glimpses at some of the most unique venues, experiences and events and I kinda feel like it’s my job to share the good cheer so you can enjoy them with your favorite gal pals or family, too. Whatdyasay?
I posted a blog last week on shopping. It wasn't ground breaking and I've shared this type of content many-a-time before. Once in awhile a reader will comment on a particular item they, too are fawning over. It's just fun, superfluous content. The interesting thing about this post is that it really rubbed one reader the wrong way. I mentioned it extensively on my IG stories but in case you missed it...here's what my friend, "Laney" had to say...
Mmmmmm Fall. So delicious and layered and vibrant. I may have a case of the FOMOs from Fashion Week but I am ready to embrace a new season. Not to be confused with pumpkin spice anything because that stuff is gross. Just gimme all the honey crisp apples, sweaters and bonfires and I am a happy camper...a stylish camper but happy!
What's the #1 thing on your Fall shopping wish list? Dying to know!
Familiar with BaubleBar? Who isn't right? Ever wonder what it was like to launch and how it all began? *raises hand* I always find these stories fascinating and today my friend Nina - the VP of Brand Marketing and also one of the original crew, is here to share the scoop on a day in the life of this accessory giant and what lies ahead. Take a seat...you're in for a sparkly treat!
The best things in life are free. Laughter being one of them - most underrated gift anyone could give you. And, it just so happens that today's Fearless Friday feature, Janet, makes me laugh constantly. I've traveled with her, soon again, I've cocktailed with her, I've had long talks with her...shoot, the only thing we haven't done is work out but we've even talked about that, too! I will tell you, Janet cares and she is very much supportive of her girls. I've observed over the years. Even with everything she is balancing...motherhood, marriage, career, blogging, philanthropy ...she always makes time for her friends. And, she will always make you laugh. That is the best trait in a friend - better than 100 lattes or 1M pairs of Gucci heels. And well heeled, she is!
Okay, real talk. I never get to a spa. And that is not a complaint. I'm of the mindset that if I cannot relax at all - why spend the money? Heck, I can barely get through a no-chip manicure without tapping my toes and telling my manicurist to skip the hand massage complete with warm towel aromatherapy. Yeah, I'm that girl.
I've been struggling with something. I know...this is a rarity that I open up and write anymore on this blog but sometimes you just gotta do it. I used to all the time until I decided to lighten things up a bit. So here it goes...
Twice a year, The Mart houses one of the most unique gifting shows you'll ever find. From fashion to art to jewelry to housewares, you can check off just about every item on your Spring list in one spot for one weekend only. That weekend happens to be this week!
Check out the One of a Kind Show goodies I scooped up this year...
Meeting Kelly for the first time (probably about five years ago) was like inhaling a giant ray of sunlight. Immediately warm and welcoming. Those two words describe her perfectly and righteously so given that she heads public relations for the uber, luxe Langham Hotel right here in Chicago. She's cool as a cucumber. You will never see this girl sweat which is amazing as I am literally sweating all over the city with an average late time ranging anywhere from 15-20 minutes. Some girls just have it!
As we say goodbye to another decade, I couldn’t help but wonder which posts resonated the most with you. Based on analytics alone, here are the top ten most popular fashion posts you commented on, featured, shopped and shared. Some were a total surprise!