Posts tagged healthy
Why now? Dealing With IBS

I am nearing the end of a glorious nine day vacation in paradise. One day, we sleepily shuffled to breakfast complete with bed head and cobwebs, my oldest daughter looked up at me and asked, “When did you know you had IBS?” It’s a fair question. I knew by the age of 10 that certain foods made me extraordinarily uncomfortable and my self esteem was a whole other topic. But it was until about 38 that doctors started to tell me that I might want to get tested or try a script or an elimination diet.

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I drank 64+ oz of tea for 60 days and this is what happened.

At best, I have two beverages in front of me at all times. Caffeine is a constant be it in the form of coffee in the morning to iced tea in the afternoon. I’d like to think I am pretty hydrated. But I wasn’t. Truth is, I really loathe drinking plain water. It’s just so B-O-R-I-N-G. While I know it is the best thing for your body, it’s always been such a chore for me. Unrelated, I have a host of GI issues so you can imagine what the lack of water does for my body. Not a good sitch.

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