I've always been a lover of cosmetics. And the way they smell. Is that weird? Probably...don't answer that! I have to tell you that since becoming a mom, I've been on the quest to find the PERFECT concealer, which: is a problem that has since been solved thanks to IT Cosmetics. Highly recommend you getting your hands on some, stat!
Read MoreMy husband purchased a new grill last month and it finally arrived over the weekend. First up on his list was to smoke a turkey breast. It was amazing but that's a post for a different day. I was charged with the sides which is truly my favorite chore of any meal.
Read MoreBack at it again! March went quick, here is last month's recap via Instagram! You can tell it's Spring because the color is returning to my feed which I am a big fan of, admittedly. With Easter came the pastels, bunny ears and lotsa chocolate. No complaints on that front.
Read MoreSorry for the profanity folks but that's the name of the recipe. I kid you not.
When my husband told me about this recipe I felt that sure...it's probably going to be a good sandwich. In all actuality: it's the best Fu*#$ng sandwich I've ever bit into.
Read MoreEvery once in awhile I get a moment to put my phone down and just observe my surroundings. That happened this week which is also the explanation for the lack of blog posts. Oops.
Read MoreHow many of you know about North Shore Restaurant Month? If you don't...you're missing out. It's Chicago's Restaurant Week on steroids! Ask my family as we've been reaping the benefits since the beginning of February. It's not only applicable to fine dining but also many fabulous family establishments making it fun for the kiddos, too!
Read MoreIf you don't know today's Fearless Friday feature (say that 3x's fast!) then you're missing out. She's Chicago's interior design sweetheart and she's only just begun! I've been fortunate enough to have attended a fete in her gorgeous abode and I will tell you one thing...the minute I have the budget to afford such an expert...Donna will be on my speed dial!
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