
Monday's are so hard for me. I really get the blues. Instead of mourning the start of a new work week, I've decided to embrace Monday's by reaching for Fall statement + comfort pieces. Cozy makes life more doable. And as my husband's busy season kicks off, easy sounds good as he often gets home pretty late in the evening. Not his preference or ours but it makes me admire single parents all the more. Being a working parent is not easy but you do it for your kids...for a better life.

This Agnes + Dora dress is easy for me. It's not sweat pants but it sure feels like it and what's better than that? 

This week is my husband's birthday week. Gosh, we've known each other for twenty years, been married for six, had two gorgeous babies, lived in three homes and here we are. We've known each other for half each other's lives. Nuts and that makes me feel super old...

...but kinda super awesome, too...right? How lucky am I to know someone so well and still have them accept me for all my flaws? And there are many my friends...many.

So let's cheers to Monday's and true love and cozy dresses and fall and fabulous statement necklaces because a new week is hard enough! Thanks for stopping by!

Shop my outfit below: