
Between Lola's birthday party this past weekend, work and a Sunday night concert, I had to take yesterday off from the blog because my anxiety was enough to cause a heart attack alongside a serious case of the Monday's. I was truly in the weeds so rather than beat myself up and try to crank out a poop-tastic post, I thought I'd give you back five minutes of your life and spare myself the pressure of trying to be creative.

And so, I'm back!

The good news is that her party ended up being fabulous which was not the case around 8:00am on Saturday morning when we had biblical thunderstorms and flooding. I kept debating whether or not I should throw some vodka in my coffee mug and call it a day because 31 people in my house with nothing to do sounds like an amazing time....said no one ever!

Thankfully Mother Nature got her act together and Tiki Falls prevailed. Thank Baby Jesus! And because I'm a total over-scheduling moron, we also went to a gigantic play date that night complete with a trampoline, moms + champagne and two over-tired toddlers. It was a fun and full weekend but I need a weekend from the weekend. 

Ever happen to you?

P/S This is not what I wore but isn't it the perfect "Let's meet for tea and crumpets" kinda dress? Yup, it's another VIPme review up for your viewing pleasure.

No, no...I was in cut-offs and some variation of a tshirt meets off the shoulder top all weekend depending on what frosting or salsa I spilled down the front! If you only knew...

The takeaway? You need this dress for the fancier side of life. (i.e. not a toddler birthday party) It's comfortable, ladylike and the price is right!

To take advantage of 101's savings: use my code " SIJohanna60" at www.vipme.com to get $5 OFF on orders over $50!

Shop my outfit below: