Posts in Food + Lifestyle
Fearless Friday: The business of blogging! (part I)

Happy Friday Peeps! Lately, I've received many an email from both new and old friends + acquaintances about the business of blogging. It got me thinking...perhaps there's a story here. Maybe I can develop a mini-series on the subject and touch on several micro topics. The questions I've received are all over the map such as:

How do I get started? What platform do I use? What about social media? How much will I make? How much time should I put into it?

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Westfield Old Orchard Harvest Fest

There's so many awesome Fall activities going on this time of year. We've been jamming our weekends chalk full of pumpkins, cornstalks and cinnamon donuts.'s just another one to add to your list: the Old Orchard Harvest Fest.

This year’s event takes place Saturday, October 24th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. And, if we're lucky, this 70 degree weather might hold up for yet another fantastic weekend ahead.

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Fearless Friday: Surviving girl cliques.

Girl cliques. They're a part of every girl's story. Either you were in a fierce one and served on the Queen Bee's royal court or you were cast among the civilians and not even offered a second glance. I've been there time and time again. And, I'm 37! I've seen more cliques than I care to admit...and very rarely was I ever in the "it-girl crowd". It's not a pity party I'm seeking though...I've learned a lot over the years and now I have two little girls. I can feel myself gearing up for middle school already!

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Fearless Friday: Surviving Small Talk + A Crazy Social Calendar

You're either a people person or you're not. And if you're not, social situations can leave you squeamish and all together uncomfortable. I see it all the time in creative types...brilliant in their own right but would prefer to stay in with a glass of wine and their computer vs. donning their best party dress and making small talk. Ironically, my husband is not a creative but loathes social situations. Luckily, I carry the weight for both of us! By the time he's on his second beer, I've scheduled a playdate and a double dinner date with said new couple! 

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Fearless Friday: Advice for Pursuing Your Passion and Switching Careers

Last week was a great Fearless Friday...I am so inspired by the feedback that I decided to dive into another one of my favorite topics: transitioning careers. I've culled together five thought-provoking fearless females that inspire me all the time. They're my friends and they're changing the way you and I think about today's career woman.

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Fearless Friday: How to Survive Motherhood...Without Yoga Pants!

Motherhood is a life altering shift in any woman's life. Some parts challenging; but overall the most rewarding job you could ever be hired to do. Fortunate for me, I am surrounded by inspiring ladies who carry the job with grace and style. And my favorite quality about each and every one of 'em...they do it all with panache and WITHOUT yoga pants!

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