NYC: Day 2

Day 2 of NYC. Slightly dehydrated but happy nonetheless! (Day 1 recap found here) We woke up on the later side of the morning, bed head included, and showered up for an iconic lunch at Bergdorf's. Oh the people watching! I've never seen so many tightly pulled, blonde women in one, central location. Hilarious. 

Much to my surprise, lunch was positively fabulous. After I inhaled a crab sandwich and a cappuccino...I started to feel like myself again. And slightly more hydrated. Always a plus.

Post lunch we perused the shoe department and the Gucci collection before hitting the streets. I will tell you that Gucci gives me all the feels this season. The dresses are to die for with multiple layers of texture, femininity and sequins! This dress, which I still dream about, is just a cool $7800.

Of course, we took many photos and had plenty of laughs because that's just what we do. Might I add that most of the pedestrians did not find us annoying at all! Not a sidewalk disturbance in the slightest...nope!

And yes, these bags are back again. Can we just observe a moment of silence?

I kept it casual on Day 2 with the basic, New York uniform: black. I was super comfortable and my feet never hurt considering all the walking we did. This was inside the Louis Vuitton store...which was stunning. I snapped selfies while my friend, Marcy, snagged the most dynamite pair of boots. I'm pretty sure we entertained the staff as well.

Day 2 outfit below:

Dinner was at the infamous ABC Kitchen which we glammed up for. It was an intricately designed restaurant with cozy decor and an even better menu. A long, languid dinner full of real girl talk and a birthday sing-along ensued. I loved every minute despite my sudden laryngitis.

Natch, we found an amazing street mural post-dinner for what else? More pictures, duh! Those poor people that took our picture. Despite our tedious camera requests...I have to say, I am so glad we took these because the memories make me smile when I look back...which is often. Sadly, we were down one gal who had to fly back for a funeral but we definitely celebrated her in spirit.

Pictured above: MarcymeJenHelen.

Day 3 recap to come. I hope you're enjoying these as much as I am. Shop my dinner look below: