Salt Fit.
Outside of my agency work at Oak Street Social, I truly love supporting local businesses. I get it and I know how hard it is to get loyal support on an ongoing basis. So much so that I partnered with Salt because I love what they stand for. You probably read Leanne + Tami’s SelfMade Speed Rounds recently, too.
Well, I practice what I preach. I’ve been getting my fitness on at Salt roughly 3-4x’s per week and I’m addicted. I love the community and I love the way I feel when I walk out. I call it my “ready to tackle the day” mode and it serves everyone around me well. Trust me, grouchy Johanna…she is no fun!
Well, consider this my formal invitation to take a FREE class with me THIS SATURDAY on 4/13 @ 9:45am. And I will sweeten the deal for you. I’ve rounded up such tremendous goodie bags. Not only will you feel absolutely awesome when you leave, you get to work out with some really fun women, my friends, and you’ll leave with a swag bag that has the following items:
Special thanks to: Nancy Rose Performance, Gym+Coffee, Lumify, Big Mouth Inc., Vitahl Medical Aesthetics, Vitani, Hippie Runner, Beauty Counter and of course, Salt!
Join me! You have nothing to lose. We have about six more slots left to fill. If you’re interested in attending email me @ or register for FREE here. Get yo ass to class, girls!
At best, I have two beverages in front of me at all times. Caffeine is a constant be it in the form of coffee in the morning to iced tea in the afternoon. I’d like to think I am pretty hydrated. But I wasn’t. Truth is, I really loathe drinking plain water. It’s just so B-O-R-I-N-G. While I know it is the best thing for your body, it’s always been such a chore for me. Unrelated, I have a host of GI issues so you can imagine what the lack of water does for my body. Not a good sitch.