Posts in Food + Lifestyle
Fearless Friday: Jill + Alexis

Leave it to two driven moms to solve the world's problems. How many times have we muttered that while watching something Shark Tank? Am I the only one...can't be! Jill + Alexis banded together to make the lives of parents easier and a little less chaotic when it comes to swim time. You remember this post singing the praises of their invention: the Fasten Swimsuit.

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Fearless Friday: Chef Charles Webb

Charles and I met at an event a little over a year ago. He was catering and whipping up gourmet bites and the conversation was easy. This is often the case with creative types as I gravitate to them like a moth to a flame. He was at ease and passed his business card to me on the way out. I was just launching Oak St. Social. Needless to say, the food we inhaled was nothing short of amazing and I felt we needed to collaborate in some way. 

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Fearless Friday: Lauren Painter

One of the greatest things in life is not only making new friends but watching your friends go through life-altering changes that round them out to become a beautiful, confident human being. Lauren possessed these traits from the start but, most recently, it's been a fun evolution to observe her cross country move with her beau, get married, buy their first home, dive into a new career path and for the finale...become a mother to a delicious, little baby girl. 

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Fearless Friday: Ryan Beshel

Cultivating new friendships is a lot like dating. Such is the case with Ryan Beshel. I think we met on the event circuit but I couldn't be 100% sure. The first thing that stood out about him was his laugh. It was infectious. I think you can tell a lot about someone by their laugh...or if they don't laugh at all. Bad sign. And I heard that laugh from across the room at every event I went to. I didn't know who he was but I was pretty sure we needed to be friends. Superficially, he was a smart dresser, too. This is a rarity amongst men in Chicago. (do not get me started!)

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Fearless Friday: Jennifer Wisniewski

Everyone wants to be a bad ass babe and the term "girlboss" has become slightly overused, myself included, but it's rare to actually meet a female entrepreneur who can reinvent herself multiple times and truly embody both terms. Meet Jennifer. 

I have admired her from afar for quite some time. Heck I even pitched her in my former job. She owns an amazing restaurant on the north side...but she's so much more than a restauranteur. 

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Fearless Friday: Samantha Berngard

I've known Sam for a year now. That's not to say we weren't in the same room or events previously, but in terms of really knowing her...for sure the last year. And the more I get to know her, the more awestruck I am with her real, genuine character. She's not just a pretty girl with brains...she's one of the girls everyone wants to be friends with because she makes eye contact with you and is ACTUALLY listening to what you're saying. Novel, I know. She's warm, funny and laid back. The formula for just an awesome person.

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Sunday, only slightly less ordinary.

"Spectacular" doesn't do our Sunday dinner enough justice as I recollect all the amazing bites we had this past weekend at Sullivan's. If you haven't tried your hand at this amazingly, refined're missing out!

Sunday marked our second occasion and previously scheduled date day but....surprise!...our sitter cancelled due to a stomach bug. I seriously contemplated canceling our reservation but thought better. Why not bring the kids along and teach them what refined dining is really like? Let's expand those tiny taste buds beyond burgers and hot dogs, shall we?

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