The thing about pineapples is...

they always make you happy. Name an instance when you saw a pineapple print and didn't smile. Can't think of one can you? It's summer's happy fruit!

I was a smitten kitten when I spotted this pineapple number and the rest is history! You can never have too many dresses.

Truth is...I'm kinda struggling here, guys. Posting and maintaining all my work is literally giving me heart palpitations yet I've worked so hard to build a meaningful relationship with this blogging community. It's really hard to do it all hence why there was no Monday post. 

You have no idea how much that bothers me. It eats at me because I've always been so diligent but gosh, a summer Sunday with my family is what I want to be doing vs sitting on the couch staring at a blue screen. I suppose they call it disconnecting. It's so liberating though. 

I will always love fashion and my friends and events but please...gimme a hall pass for my sporadic schedule. I've committed to four posts a week and that has been a total labor of love. I even wonder if I'm starting to become uninteresting. 

Do I have really anything valuable to say? Is my shit getting old? These are the things that roll around in my brain when I'm driving. 

But pineapples, they make me smile. And things aren't really all that bad. Gosh, my husband and I had an amazing celebration for our sixth anniversary. We hung out with the kiddos all weekend. Summer is a little slice of heaven that I'm desperately hanging on to...I hope you'll hang with me!

Shop this dress and more pineapple goodness below: