Dragonfly dress.

I can officially tell you that these photos are outdated. What? Yes, I finally got my roots touched up. I think that's the longest I've ever gone....and it shows! Good lord momma needed a salon day. I feel like a new woman

Let's talk about this dress. It's muy adorable. It's a total style steal, too! Under $30...that fits into everyone's Christmas budget! Again, there's that one for me, one for you philosophy. (tee hee) 

Also, if you're searching for THE best opaque, black tights, you must try these! They suck you in in all the right places, wash like a dream and never pill up! 

How are you guys doing with your holiday shopping? I'm making a slow but steady dent. "Slow" being the operative word but it's happening. The packages are arriving and it's time to get wrapping. Happy Monday!

Shop my outfit below: