Your best accessory: self confidence

Self confidence. Did you always have it? Some people are born confident while others have to work to appreciate themselves. I'd like to think that comes with age. Sadly, for never does.
Have you ever thought about what makes you feel the most confident? Is it a certain outfit? Being around certain people? Music? It could be anything. Heck, it could be after a 30-minute work out giving you that euphoric high that only happens when you accomplish something. At least that's how I feel.
As a young mom, I think about confidence a lot. You'd be surprised how much of a topic it is for an almost 5 year old. I think we have to accept a certain level of responsibility as a parent. We need to set the tone for these little people. And it makes me think. I have my struggles and areas of vulnerability but what am I projecting on these little girls on a daily basis?
Well, I've got two big campaigns coming up and I'm baring all! Brutal truth here. No nudity...c'mon now! But I am going to take a big breath and share two posts soon that only make me slightly uncomfortable...okay, a lot uncomfortable! Part of it is for me, ironically I'm hoping it makes me more confident, and the other part is for my girls. Maybe one day they will look back at this virtual diary and say, "Hey, let's celebrate women...flaws and all. Let's celebrate what makes us unique!" It's a bit like our own mini Dove campaign, but not executed nearly as well nor with the same budget!
So tell me...what makes you feel most confident? I'm dying to know! (hint: I've always thought a smile is everyone's best accessory!)
Photography by Gabrielle Daylor
* Check out today's link ups: Fizz and Frosting, Style Elixir, I Do deClaire, The Fashion Canvas
As my seasonal closet sale approaches, I am once again purging and making room for new pieces, albeit the classics with a twist. Antiquated denim, fits that no longer interest me, patterns and prints that essentially need a new home. And much like the trajectory of this blog, I’ve continue to reach for the classics…the pieces you can really mix and match; the pieces that deliver on ROI.
I absolutely cannot take credit for the brand new Eve•ry•bod•y kiddo tees that launched this summer. It was a conversation that manifested into their words, their color palette choices and their designs…now in the t-shirt format. Perhaps even more meaningful because it captures their viewpoint of the world and what it means to be love yourself. If you missed the first launch, I talked about it here and here.
My love for bronze skin and neutrals knows no boundaries. I love everything nude. <smirk, smirk> I was feeling summer and all the creative juices this weekend and from it…voíla! We have a new post of shoppable accessories and apparel that taps into my neutral-loving-addiction. And yes, leopard is a neutral in my book.
I had absolutely zero intention of discussing, partaking or posting about Amazon Prime Days. Not out of rebellion but because I really wasn’t feeling it. Like the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale, it is literally crammed down our throats. But then….uhhhhh, well I have a summer cold and it’s causing me a bout of insomnia. Mostly because I cannot breathe. Anyhoo…
You have officially entered Gemini season. We’re a passionate group of individuals and it just so happens that one of my nearest and dearest friends was born the day before me. <I’m the older sister but I digress> And if there is one thing that Geminis embrace, it is change. We get bored very quickly which is a testament to the amazing men we married because they keep us loved and entertained beyond measure!
There are certain staples in my closet that serve as the foundation to 85% of my outfits. They generally fall into the tank top vertical. You just need so many! I have cinched tanks, spaghetti, racer, fitted, loose and then of course, you need a nude, white and black in every style. I wear them under suits, blazers, alone with shorts, as a coverup and, of course, as a layering piece. Tank tops are a must and it wasn’t until later on in my life that I began to full appreciate what a good closet staple can do for your wardrobe.
Here we are - well into the magic that is known as December. And while I know 2020 has been a heavy one, I have and continue to seek the light because there is so much goodness if you are open to receiving it. Key word: open!
I am still full of hope and I am genuinely excited for 2021. It can only go up from here. Even though that pesky pandemic hasn’t left the building, I refuse to let it steal the thunder of my December. This is my kiddos’ favorite month of the year and righteously so!
True to form, I do get up and shower everyday, makeup, clothes…the whole schbang. It’s a personal choice. I feel more ready for the day; more productive. It could be psychological but given that we are spending so much time at home, getting out of pajamas and putting on clothes to then put on work out clothes to then put on pajamas again makes me feel like the days don’t bleed into each other. Maybe it gives me purpose?
Since the creation of my Real vs. Steal series, I’ve always been on the hunt for comparable products that perform just as well as their high end counterparts. But then I failed to realize that I’ve never talked about the big spends I actually HAVE saved for. As we all know, it can be hard to pull the trigger to spend on items with hefty price tags, but sometimes it has to be done. Some of my favorite closet staples have had astronomic prices, but I find myself reaching for them consistently. And if we’re talking CPW (cost-per-wear) I have DEFINITELY gotten the bang for my buck. As expensive as some of these choices are, they pair back perfectly with any outfit, and I can rely on them to complete any look.
I’m not quite ready for resort wear so indulge me as I round up my favorite Revolve pieces for February. I’ve gotten several requests through my DMs on Instagram for Revolve over the last few months. I never knew I had so many closet Revolve shoppers.