10 activities I plan to check off my Fall bucket list.
Happy Fall! It really just hit me last night so I began to conjure up all the things I wanted to accomplish this year. Some I am happily revisiting and others are new to me…hello Bloody Mary Fest! It’s crazy to think we are rolling right into the holidays. The years do, indeed, fly by hence planning seasonal activities are a must for this working momma. Enjoy…I know I am missing a ton more but here’s a handy little fall bucket list:
Disney on Ice: Frozen premieres this Thursday at the Allstate Arena.
Apple picking at All Seasons Apple Orchard.
A family staycation at the newly remodeled City Suites.
Cheering on the runners at the Chicago Marathon.
Taking in Boo! at the Zoo with my littles.
The Highwood Pumpkin Fest…even if you don’t live in the suburbs, it’s worth the trip.
Dinner with my girls at Cafe Robey…GNO style.
The kickoff event for Illuminate 900. I am a co-host this year!
Chicago Gourmet is back!
Bloody Mary Fest…holla! Who’s with me?
What’s on your bucket list this year?

I am pretty sure I’ve discovered family gold when it comes to weekend activities. You can thank me later. I first started sharing about CMX Cinemas on my IG and my DMs blew up so I wanted to share in a full blog post as well.
Visiting this luxurious movie theater parents might just award you Mom of the Year OR Wife of the Year so listen up because “going to the movies” just got a whole lot cooler.
I just love the magic of the final two months of the year. The uplifted moods, the music, the twinkle and the excuse to majorly blow off any diet I may have been on. You only live once, right?
Well, I have the great fortune with this blogging hobby to get first glimpses at some of the most unique venues, experiences and events and I kinda feel like it’s my job to share the good cheer so you can enjoy them with your favorite gal pals or family, too. Whatdyasay?
Twice a year, The Mart houses one of the most unique gifting shows you'll ever find. From fashion to art to jewelry to housewares, you can check off just about every item on your Spring list in one spot for one weekend only. That weekend happens to be this week!
Check out the One of a Kind Show goodies I scooped up this year...
Please join me on Thursday, March 30 from 5-8pm as Neiman Marcus Oakbrook presents the #MakeSomeNoise CUSP Fashion panel and runway show. The event celebrates women that have made a positive impact on the world both personally and professional.
If you're looking for something fun to do with the family, I've got you covered! My clan and I recently had the pleasure of taking a trip to Medieval Times Chicago. Three of us had never been but I knew what was in store. Just a short stint from our house, we made a day of our excursion which might I add - completely tuckered out the little ones just in time for bed. Perfect timing for a giant glass of pinot noir come 8:00pm sharp!
Entrepreneurs are an interesting breed. I always appreciate the ones that are humble and admit to how far they've come but also, how much they have to learn. Such was the case when I met Niku. She attended our first Oak Street Social social media seminar and I was struck with her presence. She quietly observed and took notes. Her questions were smart...she was a student of her own brand and better yet, the social media world which plays a giant role in getting the word out about her eponymous brand, Paris312. She was soft spoken but warm...the kind of lady boss that you want to sit down and have coffee with, because I am sure I could learn quite a bit from her, too. She's built a cohesive, feminine brand that marries two great cities - Chicago + Paris - in the form of fun, flirty party goods. Do I have your attention? Good...read on because Niku is a really cool woman!
Quality time with my kids is somewhat a challenge before the holidays. There's a lot of craziness and running around...and events. We usually average about two weekends of "absolutely nothing" before we turn into spinning tops. Sound familiar?
Well, recently we got to hit the "pause" button and take our kids to the circus for the first time. Honestly, we had forgotten how good it was! Or maybe as adults, we've come to appreciate what a production it is. And our kids...they loved it!
Afternoon ladies! Today I’m sharing a quick PSA about an event I am co-hosting here in Evanston. Details below:
Join me at the grand opening of the new MyEyeDr. location in Evanston (2000 Central St., Evanston, IL 60201) on 10/5/16 where you can meet with local eye care professionals to find the perfect eyewear solution for your lifestyle, and engage with image consultants and product specialists to help you find that perfect look.
September came and went in a flash but there were many memorable moments. It also marks my husband's birthday, a new school year and a change in seasons. Truly my favorite time of year, this month was chockfull of memorable moments and events.
It’s time to come out of hibernation. While January has been cold and gray, I’ve uncovered an amazing, suburban exhibition that is worth leaving the house for…and it’s only here through the end of March 2024. You must get tickets to the Downton Abbey Exhibition located at Old Orchard Mall in Skokie. It’s open weekly from Wednesday-Sunday.