There's no such thing as too much sparkle.

Happy New Year's {Eve} friends!
Enjoy the bubbly and be safe. See you next week & next year!
Hi gals! Things are rocking and rolling this month and I am sure your calendar looks no different! Popping on here to say there are a multitude of ways you can stay connected to me as the holiday insanity ensues. Your girl is creating unique, original content on all social media channels which means no two days are the same.
I just love the magic of the final two months of the year. The uplifted moods, the music, the twinkle and the excuse to majorly blow off any diet I may have been on. You only live once, right?
Well, I have the great fortune with this blogging hobby to get first glimpses at some of the most unique venues, experiences and events and I kinda feel like it’s my job to share the good cheer so you can enjoy them with your favorite gal pals or family, too. Whatdyasay?
If you haven't thought about Mother's Day, it's time to get to it. May 14 is closer than you think!
In recent years, I've discovered that it's not about the gift or the pampering. If yesterday's post wasn't an indicator that I am not the spa type, read here. For me, it's about spending the day and having an experience with my family with a side of "me" time.
Twinning is the new black. I'm sure you knew this! Well, looks like I'm on-trend again because this past Easter my girls and I dressed from head to toe in Lola and the Boys. And it was awesome! We wore their leaf dresses which were more than comfortable to entertain in and play in.
If there is one thing I love, it's little girls in Easter dresses. There's nothing sweeter. But, sometimes momma needs a new dress, too! #amiright? Not to worry, I selected five sweet but tasteful dresses that fit the bill no matter if you're hosting or brunchin' out.
The Shamrock Shake has once again made its annual appearance. And while this may be a favorite childhood treat for many, including myself, I went on a quest this year to find a healthier version. One that my entire family would love. Selfishly, this is also how I start my day so really, it's about killing two birds with one stone.
What's not to love about today? Roses, candy and the color RED! I woke up to a dozen roses and I am not complaining. My girls - pink carnations. So utterly sweet. Cupid is not stupid.
People often joke that Valentine's Day is a Hallmark holiday. By and large…it is but why not enjoy it for what it is? I've never met a gal who didn't swoon over pink and red accessories or, for that matter, a guy who didn't enjoy the excuse to eat a fancy dinner out. Like I said, what's not to love?
Well, pucker up buttercup because I took my clan to Woodfield Mall last weekend to round up a quick and easy gifting guide for the ladies and the gents. My oh-so-helpful assistants were on a mission to make everyone happy at just about every price point. <Starbucks' cake pops sweetened the deal>
Do you remember 2015's learnings? Me neither! Funny how some things remain the same yet so much has changed. I feel like this list is a little cranky but I really spoke authentically. 2016 was a great year but it had its challenges. I'm actually a bit exhausted from learning so I'm using this last week to recharge my batteries...hence the blog silence. I just need a break from pictures and pressure - truthfully. On the positive front; this has been a great year for family. We have had so much fun and I feel blessed that I have them to keep me grounded. We all need that don't we?
It’s no secret that I consider myself an Amazon expert when it comes to finding cheap and chic fashion. It’s what I live for! Let’s just say I’ve been busy this holiday season and while I do love the “one for me, one for you” methodology…I will be 100% truthful in that I am gifting any one of these pieces to someone I love. I just can’t say who because it’s December 23rd!