Sunday's Made Simple: The Perfect Poached Egg

After an overwhelming response to this Instagram post; it was only fitting that I share how I learned to poach the perfect egg. There's no real huge trick except for using vinegar (NO SALT) and creating a whirlpool with your spoon. I perfected this technique over the last seven years and it's a no fail. It does take practice though!
When finished, plate with your favorite crusty bread, a dash of paprika and some sliced avocados for good measure.
Try it out and let me know what you think: The Perfect Poached Egg
- Make sure your eggs are really fresh.
- Add a small dash of vinegar to a pan of steadily simmering water.
- Crack eggs individually into a ramekin or cup.
- Create a gentle whirlpool in the water to help the egg white wrap around the yolk.
- Slowly tip the egg into the water, white first. Leave to cook for three minutes.
- Remove with a slotted spoon, cutting off any wispy edges using the edge of the spoon.
- Drain onto kitchen paper – nobody wants eggy poaching water making their toast soggy or wilting their salad.
- Gently plate on your favorite dish + eat
"The water should not be boiling, but more than simmering so that the movement in the water can be seen."
* Check out today's link ups: Fizz and Frosting, Style Elixir, I Do deClaire, The Fashion Canvas
Hi friends! I am testing out a new series after lamenting and crowd sourcing my struggle to deliver healthy, wholesome recipes to my family given our new back-to-school schedule. Yo girl is sick of tacos on Tuesdays and we have something every day of the week. I will be living in my car!
True to form, I surveyed my Instagram fam and you delivered. This recipe was shared by friend: alinochkarudman. Nom nom and enjoy!
Cold weather season is here! Last winter you loved my IGTV quick tutorial on Instagram so I am bringing it to the blog. Also, I can finally make this drink again because we had gorgeous weather all summer and hot drinks were not appealing!
The Shamrock Shake has once again made its annual appearance. And while this may be a favorite childhood treat for many, including myself, I went on a quest this year to find a healthier version. One that my entire family would love. Selfishly, this is also how I start my day so really, it's about killing two birds with one stone.
It's not uncommon for girlfriends to joke that I am no fun when we eat out or elbow me about eating like a bird. I don't take it personally. The reality is I eat quite a bit but all day long and rarely in one sitting. I eat with intention and I'm very aware of what I am putting in my mouth. This begs the question:
Why did you go gluten free?
In an attempt to eat "healthier" this past Super Bowl Sunday, I found a recipe in, none other, but Blissful Basil's newest cookbook for a fresh take on sliders. The recipe does not exist online but I found a similar version to share with you today.
Greetings friends. Happy Monday! I'm all over the place with this blog content schedule but I digress. I spent quite a bit of time in the kitchen yesterday and wanted to share this bright, colorful dish as it takes 30 minutes to whip up and it's oh-so-healthy. I will be making this again and again. Not only did I feel full but I felt healthy.
Anyone who knows me knows that I am rarely without a can of LaCroix in hand save for the hours of 5-9am when I am chugging back coffee and slapping myself awake. What you don't know is that I literally grew up on LaCroix. My parents didn't allow any pop in our house so the only way we could scratch that itch was by gulping down cans of flavored sparkling water.
In hindsight, it was a fabulous habit to enforce and now one of my daughters walks around with her own LaCroix. Yes, she's four years old and it could appear a bit ridiculous but hey...I know how to get her to consume more water!
Good morning ghosts + goblins! I'm making this a short and sweet post for three reasons:
Afternoon friends! How was your weekend? I flew in and out of Nashville for a social media speaking engagement with my partner for Oak St. Social. Whew! It was a whirlwind weekend but so much fun!
Hi friends! I am testing out a new series after lamenting and crowd sourcing my struggle to deliver healthy, wholesome meals to my family given our new back-to-school schedule. Yo girl is sick of tacos on Tuesdays and we have something every day of the week. I will be living in my car!