
Johanna wearing a belted sweatshirt dress
Johanna wearing a belted sweatshirt dress
Johanna wearing a belted sweatshirt dress
Johanna's red Chanel tote
Johanna wearing a belted sweatshirt dress

What could be better than a dress made out of sweatshirt material? Don't answer that! I realize this trend might not be for everyone but shoot guys, I was ultra comfortable running around the city in this little diddy. Fashion tip: You have to belt this dress or it will look like a giant potato sack which is no bueno. I linked a few inexpensive options below but you can find a wide belt just about anywhere these days. Belting everything is SO of the moment again.

How's your week looking? I feel like I am climbing out of the weeds. It's the best feeling. My desk is in order. My stress is at about a 4 versus my normal 9.5 and it's Monday. I am hoping this is a good sign of things to come! Heck, I am ready to get my Fall on and plan some weekend activities...apple picking here we come!

Shop my exact look below: