How charming!
You guys! I have fallen in love with the most charming LWD dress and this gorgeous cocktail ring. I wear it with cut-offs, with dresses <duh!>, with name it! It is this gorgeous, champagne color and adds pizazz to just about any outfit. Have you heard of 7 Charming Sisters? I discovered the brand last year and fell in love with their affordable and chic designs. There's a profile for every aesthetic which is kinda fun to click through because it offers you styles to suit your personality. I'm a bit of a chameleon but this Pin Up ring has my name all of it! My true profile was "Life of the Party"...go figure! Scoop up your baubles by entering my code: ThingsILove15 for 15% off the collection excluding sale items. How's that for a hump day surprise?!
As for this LWD? What can I say? I love the bell sleeves...the embroidery...I could go on. You know when you find that one dress that just makes you feel special? Well this is it! And you's under $40! #winning
Shop my exact look right here:
It was a rainy April but I am all about a fashion challenge. Rounding up my favorite looks for events ranging from WFH to Easter to grabbing tacos with the fam. Need additional links? Lemme know and Happy May!