Hoodies are always a good idea.

I didn't post yesterday. Without getting into much detail, it was a really stressful day for my family. And because family comes first...I just had to take a moment to myself. To be honest, we could use some good vibes and spare prayers if you guys got 'em. For now, we're taking things one day at a time...

...which means it's time to ditch the heels and go for comfort. Comfort comes in many forms for me. It can be a certain type of food, movie, album or even calling an old friend. Yesterday encompassed all of those; but in order to be comfortable - a hoodie was necessary.

My husband and I are big fans of elastic. But who isn't right?

This hoodie ranks high on my list of comfort clothes. So much so that I wash it immediately after I've gotten enough wears so that it's always clean and ripe for the picking. Let's be honest...Fall = hoodie weather.

I suggest you check out Cotton Hood's website and peruse all the different styles. I own this one, too in blue. In fact, while you're there, save 10% off by using my code: 101THINGILOVE10. Trust me, you need one in your life! 

As for me, tomorrow's a new day. 

* Check out today's links ups: Mix & Match FashionPenniless Socialite, Sincerely Jenna MarieLiving in Color!