Quarantine Survival Tips with Kiddos

A Pinterest graphic to keep kids busy and off their screens

Friends, we have truly entered strange times. It’s all we talk about at home and things seem to be changing by the hour. We are now faced with home schooling, potential national lock down and maintaining our normal work loads as working parents. We all have questions but with a little creativity and a new home structure plan…we will get through this!

I will do my best to share content that I find helpful as I have a 3rd and 2nd grader that I need to keep busy. Screen time is eminent but it’s really all about activity blocks which will promote physical exercise, critical thinking and creativity. Of all the shopping I’ve done, it’s the crafting projects I’ve purchased that I am most excited for. Still on the hunt for toilet paper. Oy.

Sharing a quick guide below of one daily project to get the kids excited for as well as a Covid-19 School Schedule and a recipe that the kids can get involved in. Here we go!

A daily activity graphic for quarantine

First off, let’s talk apple chips! We made these in 40 minutes via this easy recipe. Use any apples you have handy. We used Honey Crisp apples and they turned out great. No guilt either! I recommend using two apples because my kids plowed through the first batch.

A plate of apple chips

Here’s the daily Covid-19 schedule we will be following.

Covid-19 daily schedule

Okay, let’s talk crafts. I linked the exact crafts we purchased today plus these masks and these bookmarks. The girls handpicked them and they are super inexpensive and come in bulk.

Finally, here’s a couple more ideas you can do to keep the entire family engaged:

  1. Rock painting

  2. Make your own pasta

  3. Make a collage for the grandparents

  4. Learn a language

  5. Make a new recipe

  6. Tackle a 1500 piece puzzle

  7. Daily family yoga flow

  8. Stovetop s’mores

  9. Family plank contest

  10. Nap!

  11. Scholastic is offering free learn-at-home programs

  12. Check 30 Virtual Field Trips to take with your kids

  13. Check out Nat Geo for all sorts of activities and e-learning activities

  14. This website promote 100 activities to do with kids using things you already have at home

Hang in there!