Posts in Career
Career: How to prep for a TV segment. <11 tips>

One of the things you asked for when I polled my Instagram audience was more career how-to's and advice in 2018. Ask and you shall receive!

I just wrapped up my first television appearance of the year. With any luck, I will be doing more to help promote my company, Oak Street Social. TV can be exciting and an adrenaline rush but it can also be nerve-racking and stressful. Does it have to be? The answer is no! 

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SelfMade Speed Round - Tali Kogan

Today's self-made babe is full of positivity. She is a bright light in any room which is not easy to come by. She's fashion forward and unforgiving but she owns it and that's what I love about Tali. Something tells me her business is just about to explode so take a read below.

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SelfMade Speed Round - Bridget Daley

Welcome to my newly rebranded entrepreneurial series. You may remember Fearless Friday from the past but this is the 2018 reimagined version. I brought it back for many reasons but the primary reason was because of YOU. You guys loved this series! I took a break because I recall it being a lot of work to conduct interviews and beyond. So, instead, I took my own advice and worked smarter, not harder.

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How much growth can you handle?

Today I do not feel like I want to post about fashion. Today is one of those Truth Tuesday posts. I've been reflecting quite a bit about all the change 2017 has brought. Some of it has been pretty fabulous while others have been quite stressful. With only two months to go, I can safely say that 2017 was not one of my favorite years and the word on the street is that many people feel the same. 2017 was a year of change. 

And 2018...if you're better bring it!

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Fearless Friday: Lisa Selman

Sometimes I wish Lisa had permanent residency in my home. On those challenging days when nothing seems to be going right, I would take solace in the fact that Lisa would have a mean cocktail waiting for me as soon as the clock turned happy hour. This girl knows how to whip up a strong drink and not just one...but an entire collection of craft cocktails! 

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Vacation + why I will never be able to disconnect.

I just returned from another Mexican adventure. Let me start with the simple fact that Mexico is always a good idea. Always. Two back to back trips further cemented my love for this country. That said, with any travel comes tiny moments of clarity. Some are welcome and some are just a drag to face. So let's start with the good stuff...

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Fearless Friday: Katie Schuppler

You know those days when you can't find a thing to wear in your closet. *raises!* Well, there isn't an app for that (or is there?) but there is a magical, unicorn of a human being who can certainly help and her name is Katie Schuppler! With over seven years in the business, she is the human version of a fashion app. She can pull accessories at the drop of a hat and purge your closet even faster. She's your go-to fashionista in a pinch and she's been werkin' the scene since inception. 

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