Five Fall Faves: featuring Elsa of Cafe Society XXI

I’m thrilled about collaborating again with 101 Things I Love in this new Five Fall Faves series. Thank you, Johanna, for the opportunity. This post is actually FOR YOU. Let me explain: After the birth of beautiful Lolaoh joy!- I figured you wouldn’t have much time to look for some wardrobe’s updates. That’s when fellow bloggers might come in handy! I took the liberty to put together a little selection of staple items that I think they may look great on your fabulous self. Here’s to you, Mrs. Grange.

1. I’m seeing tweed jackets everywhere this Fall. For this season, Mango has launched this contemporary version of the classic piece that automatically adds a chic vibe to any outfit.

2. Peter Pan is SO back. This Alice+Olivia top was love at first sight.

3. It may be quite an investment, no question about it, but in my opinion, every lady should have a pair of black leather pants. They are so feminine and sophisticated, yet versatile: Think how cute this Top Shop pair would look paired with over sized cashmere sweater, for instance…

4. Those pearl-embellished shorts from Top Shop caught my attention right away. It may not be the smartest investment of your life…but c’mon, aren’t they precious?

5. Last, but not least, the cashmere foulard. This one is the real deal –handmade in Scotland, 100% cashmere. Purple is my favorite color, but I also think it would look awesome on you.

Thanks again for this opportunity and also for being so genuine and enthusiastic. Your sense of humor, values, good vibes and style are contagious and inspiring. That’s why we all keep coming back to 101 Things. Am I right, girls? Congratulations for all those achievements and best wishes.

Thanks Elsa! You can be my personal shopper any day. I love what you picked out.