What's in my gym bag?
There’s no better feeling than a good sweat sesh knowing you killed your last workout. Being motivated and even getting to the gym or a class is an accomplishment in and of itself. <You go girl>
Often times our gym bags become these endless black holes in which we carry everything and nothing all together. Unfortunately an essential “perfect gym bag” guide does not exist, so I’ve compiled this short list of must-have items that will save your life if you’re running to and from workouts. It seems my life consists of running in different directions ALL day long so why not share a few favorites with the people?!
*Bonus! I’ve also included some of my favorite sportswear brands that I reach for on the regular. You’d be surprised — I am not all about that Lululemon life. I’m looking for fit, mobility, color and price. Take a read below!
Gym bag essentials:
Nonstick socks for barre
Cycle Shoes
Body Armor Sports Drinks

Favorite brands for the gym:
Nike & adidas shoes
90 degrees by reflex

Did you guys know that this week is the Center for Disease Control & Prevention’s National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week? To be honest, me neither...up until now. And to that end, how often do you think about the water you’re drinking or better yet, the water that your kids are drinking on the playing field, at school, at grandma and grandpa’s house? It sort of registers but then we get too busy, right?
If you're new to the blog...welcome! Additionally, I'll catch you up on my fitness routine. About three years ago, I decided I wanted to firm up and tone. Losing a couple pounds would be an added bonus. I started with 30-minute work outs seven days a week. The changes happened pretty dramatically and with it...my confidence levels restored. (having two babies back to back is hard!)
Fitness is not a fad. It's a way of life. Once you adopt it into your own, whichever format suits you, it improves just about everything you pursue. Such is the case for Kathleen, owner of SPENGA North Shore. I had the pleasure of attending one of her classes last week. Grateful doesn't even begin to describe how I feel now that Glenview has landed new, fun and innovative ways to get your sweat on. Gym life, sadly, is not the life for me. I loathe gyms, on a side note.
It's smoothie time! Remember my August post? Well, I've been busy in the kitchen mixing, tasting and well, downing daily smoothies just for you. And because...well, it's good for you which is the best part about drinking liquid chocolate! Am I right?
There's a sharpness to the air that I personally love. It's that fleeting moment right before the first frost. You know what I'm talking about...makes you want to go for a run outside.
Having the right workout gear is essential. For me, that means nothing bulky, moisture wicking, soft seams and mega stretch. Enter Cory Vines.
Perhaps you remember my last smoothie post? I kicked off a new eating + fitness regime in May and shockingly, I've stuck with it. That's what I call a miracle.
Having fully committed to a healthy lifestyle again, I have to find time each and everyday for fitness. It's challenging in the beginning but once it becomes a habit it's not all that difficult.
Piggybacking off of last week's post about mindful health, I'm sharing one simple thing that has changed the way I run my day. Or shall I say, how the day used to run me! It's super simple - a breakfast smoothie.
Today's post has a slightly different tone. It's about health. To be exact, a more mindful health. It's something that I talk big game over but have yet to make a habit. That was until 22 days ago. To be exact.
At best, I have two beverages in front of me at all times. Caffeine is a constant be it in the form of coffee in the morning to iced tea in the afternoon. I’d like to think I am pretty hydrated. But I wasn’t. Truth is, I really loathe drinking plain water. It’s just so B-O-R-I-N-G. While I know it is the best thing for your body, it’s always been such a chore for me. Unrelated, I have a host of GI issues so you can imagine what the lack of water does for my body. Not a good sitch.