Happy Hour Highlights.

This week in particular was gratifying. I had four office days which meant it was highly productive. I love when that happens! I also got back on my blogging schedule which feels like a miracle! Here are the links that I enjoyed reading this week... Let's grab a cocktail!
- I absolutely adore this IG feed. So much inspo.
- According to the Zoe Report, this is the one item that everyone needs in their wardrobe.
- If you watch my IG Stories, you'll know that this was my favorite stocking stuffer!
- So much class, the end of an era.
- Celebrities impersonating other celebrities...of course I love this.
Have a great weekend! xo
Check out today's link ups: Style Elixir, Jo Lynn Shane, Mix & Match Fashion
First let me say, not all businesses need a blueprint or a business plan. Sometimes you just have to take a good idea and dive in. Second, let me say that this capsule is small but the message is bigger than life. It’s important. It needs reinforcement. I need your support. It means something very special to me and the most important pillar of all…this capsule is intended to give back to the community. I can’t do that without your help though.
Meet my new baby…Eve.ry.bod.y.
I wanted to provide value. For years. And I knew as I got older that I couldn’t just be another fashion girl. I knew I had to bring something else to the table. I polled you constantly in search of topics that you wanted to see, hear, read. But in essence, the one thing that I was avoiding was the one thing that would provide value. Real value. Unsurprisingly, that topic is the story of my journey with chronic illness.
Tuesday was a farewell of sorts. Across the board. If you wanted a life update, I am about to give it to you.
I posted a blog last week on shopping. It wasn't ground breaking and I've shared this type of content many-a-time before. Once in awhile a reader will comment on a particular item they, too are fawning over. It's just fun, superfluous content. The interesting thing about this post is that it really rubbed one reader the wrong way. I mentioned it extensively on my IG stories but in case you missed it...here's what my friend, "Laney" had to say...
Familiar with BaubleBar? Who isn't right? Ever wonder what it was like to launch and how it all began? *raises hand* I always find these stories fascinating and today my friend Nina - the VP of Brand Marketing and also one of the original crew, is here to share the scoop on a day in the life of this accessory giant and what lies ahead. Take a seat...you're in for a sparkly treat!
The best things in life are free. Laughter being one of them - most underrated gift anyone could give you. And, it just so happens that today's Fearless Friday feature, Janet, makes me laugh constantly. I've traveled with her, soon again, I've cocktailed with her, I've had long talks with her...shoot, the only thing we haven't done is work out but we've even talked about that, too! I will tell you, Janet cares and she is very much supportive of her girls. I've observed over the years. Even with everything she is balancing...motherhood, marriage, career, blogging, philanthropy ...she always makes time for her friends. And, she will always make you laugh. That is the best trait in a friend - better than 100 lattes or 1M pairs of Gucci heels. And well heeled, she is!
Meeting Kelly for the first time (probably about five years ago) was like inhaling a giant ray of sunlight. Immediately warm and welcoming. Those two words describe her perfectly and righteously so given that she heads public relations for the uber, luxe Langham Hotel right here in Chicago. She's cool as a cucumber. You will never see this girl sweat which is amazing as I am literally sweating all over the city with an average late time ranging anywhere from 15-20 minutes. Some girls just have it!
“That's the problem with drinking, I thought, as I poured myself a drink. If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget; if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate; and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen.”
― Charles Bukowski,
The emergence of brown liquor has taught me many things in the last two years.
Outside of my husband and my Oak Street Social partner, Hallie was the first person to believe in our cause and support our tiny start up business that has now become what it is today. I remember the phone call as I sat in my partner's house working on big picture stuff. We didn't know each other but I admired her work. On a whim, I emailed her asking for a call. I needed raw and real talent to help us create a vision and the actual product for our social media strategy. Photography is such a GIANT and important piece of our deliverable.
When you have chronic pain, it feels like you're having chronic conversations about it, too. It's a joy-sucking, time-sucking event that can drain you mentally and physically.