Love-is-in-the-air Friday

After a long but rewarding week - I am happy to exclaim "TGIF"! My hubs and I have a work outing so that means adult time - fist pump. I've also found my creative juices again and worked out some great posts for next week - double fist pump. I won a giveaway - hell-to-the-yeah! And today I will be celebrating a friend's birthday with cocktails and girl talk. And, and...I've decided to be brave and take on a project with some positive reinforcement from my peeps. I hope to share with you soon.

Don't forget about my ends Tuesday!

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Lovely links:
  1. Tina Fey is my hero.
  2. If you're a Chicagoan, read this.
  3. How to say "no" to a client...and I love her
  4. Been thinking about turning 35 this May and I'm not a fan. I can only hope to look half as good as her. And her 2013 goals have me inspired.
  5. This is hilar...the 10 types of people you see at NYFW