The truth about two under 2.

photo courtesy our nanny friend, Nadia
There is so much that can be said in this post however I realize that most of you have a life so I won't drone on. And if you are prone to dislike family'll want to skip this one. It's a doozy.

Becoming a mom of two has changed my life in ways I never knew it could. For example, I can now refer to my kids as "the girls" which makes my heart go pitter pat. I also have built in playmates which poses an excellent gift on those rainy days at home. I have two little humans to embark on girlie adventures - nail painting, crafts, Christmas tree decorating and so on. I will braid hair and make pig tails and make sure each of my daughters has the most scrumptious birthday treats each and every year. Again, just a few things that I am looking forward to.

It's also changed my life in ways beyond my control. The key word being "control" as anyone who knows me is aware of my type A tendencies. That's a topic for a whole other day. For example, I used to go to the bathroom with the door shut. No, no...a certain toddler has figured out door handles. I used to SLEEP. Man, I used to sleep! And when my toddler went down for her have no idea what I could get done in 15 minutes time let alone two hours!

I wouldn't change a I wouldn't. But I'll tell ya something - it's the hardest job I've ever had. By far. And instead of direct deposit; I get paid in hugs and open mouth kisses. I get paid when Olivia walks up to "Rola" and hugs her...even if it borders on a little rough. I get paid when my newborn snuggles up and sleeps for four solid hours. I suppose that's the difference between a career and making a family. One I'd gladly take.

Life at home ranges from organized chaos to mama being one step closer to insanity. These past few months have been really difficult. We've discovered that Lola has colic which makes for very long evenings and the feeling that somehow I must be doing something wrong. We know this is not the case but you feel that way. But for every challenge is a bright spot. Olivia has finally begun walking which is just about the most endearing thing you ever did see. She walks with a sense of pride and the most amazing balance. Even her falls are graceful.

I haven't been too vocal or wordy as of late because I fear losing my entire audience but lately I'm starting to believe that this blog should just evolve into what it's meant to be. I can't pretend I am a fashion blogger or the hippest, urban chick on the block but what I can promise is some hilarity, some fashion tidbits mostly revolving around cheap and chic finds and a loyal blogger who reads and responds to each and every one of your comments...on a somewhat delayed basis. And for those of you who do comment - thank you! Thanks for reading and taking the time out to say something nice. I am so grateful for the friends I've met through blogging. And if I owe you an email response...I'm sorry. I will get to it. xo