Dragon tattoos, a pretty face and exceptional acting
photos courtesy Vogue
This past weekend I finally had the luxury of renting The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. And now, I am utterly fascinated with Rooney Mara. Not only is she ridiculously brilliant in terms of acting; I'm pretty confident she will be a face to contend with for quite some time. I can't think of the last great, young actress that impressed me that much.
While the movie was pretty graphic in nature, I'm already dying for the sequels to come out. If you want to read a great article on her transformation and the movie itself - see here. The transformation alone should win an award. The musical score is pretty phenomenal led by the mega talent, Trent Reznor. I can't say enough...and Daniel Craig wasn't bad either.
The only bummer - I wish I had the read the books. I hear they're amazing.