Fair Isle

photography by Cleodine Photography

Greetings Polar Vortex part deux. So we meet again.

Luckily we shot this a couple weeks ago because there is not a chance in h-e-double-hockey-sticks that I would be outside today! What gives Mother Nature? What's it gonna take to hit 30+ degrees?

Santa loaded me up with sweaters this year and thank goodness for that. I spotted this fair isle sweater at Tarjay at the beginning of December and it was an immediate lust situation. It took every bone in my body not to scoop it up but in the spirit of Christmas, I sent the link instead to my brother. And I love it. I can't wait to pair her with a bright, J.Crew No.2 pencil skirt! More on that in the future. Stay warm my friends.

sweater | jeans {similar} | necklace | wedges {similar}