Beauty 411: the skincare product that transformed my skin
When it comes to skincare, I'm constantly seeking that one product that will change my life, make me look younger, dew-ier, more youthful...then again, aren't we all? As my 36th birthday approaches - it's less than five months away, boo! hiss! - I want to pay more attention to the products I put on my face rather than grabbing the first thing I see on the drugstore shelf when I'm rushing to grab wipes or garbage bags.
I present Arganio.
As someone who has oily skin and is frequently plagued with psoriasis on my right hand, this product single-handedly changed my life. It absorbs ultra quick. It's an all natural source of Vitamin E. It's organic and eco-friendly. It's good for all skin types and it's anti-aging. It reduces irritation and the biggest one for me - it reduces the appearance of wrinkles, specifically under the eye.
I don't think I look 100 years old but I do see more crow's feet. Darker circles. In general, I am more tired and this product does make me feel more youthful. I use the Arganio lotion on my face before bed and the Argan Oil in my hair to tame the frizzies and on my hands before bed. I wake up and my hands feel soft and supple all over again.
I wasn't paid to write this post but I was sent product to review. And I'm so thankful I was. It's not going to be the easiest product to obtain but it's worth it.
I guess what you pay for is indeed what you get. Go get it!
* this is a sponsored post