A different reason to celebrate Christmas...

If you followed this post, you know that this holiday took a different turn for our family. It was the most scared I've ever been as a mother. Olivia's croup and high fevers manifested into pneumonia, RSV and an ear infection which landed us in the Children's Hospital over the weekend. Needless to say, we were worried sick about her with an additional element of concern over Lola catching the very same viruses.

We were admitted on Friday and discharged on Sunday, thankfully. And Olivia has really perked up. Sometimes it's easy to take your health or the health of your loved ones for granted. We have a long road to recovery with nebulizers and inhalers but I'm confident we'll get there.

As fate would have it, the very same day we got discharged from the hospital, I ended up driving back that evening with Lola for a high temp. Our doctors warned us this was not a good sign. Turns out Lola had a double ear infection and RSV now, too. 

It seems crazy that we had such rotten luck around the holidays this year. Every which way we turned it seemed the bottom was dropping out. As it stands today, Lola is not 100% but the girls did turn a corner and we are getting smiles. There's nothing worse than seeing your child completely glazed over. 

And by some miracle of God, we had a fantastic Christmas morning complete with the requisite Santa banter and opening of gifts. Kids really reinvent Christmas as you get older. This post appears to be a lot of rambling and it probably is but I think the reason I am most thankful this Christmas is that my girls started to gain their health back. Christmas just wouldn't be the same in a hospital. 

And most of all, as I spent time in a place where many children are less fortunate than my own, I am forever grateful that we have each other and good health throughout the year. Really makes you want to say a prayer for those families who are hurting. Great health is really the best gift of all.