2013 learnings and epiphanies
Did 2013 just happen? Survey says "yes"!
Here are my thoughts on the past 365 days...
{in no apparent order and still based on my opinion only}
For past learnings and epiphanies, go here.
- What a difference a full night's sleep makes.
- What a difference regularly scheduled date nights make!
- Toddlers say some really funny stuff.
- Wow...35 years old...not as exciting as it sounds.
- Body parts are starting to sag. {shakes fists at the sky}
- People who say their baby started sleeping through the night at 2 months are liars.
- Forgiveness and the restoration of an old friendship - it's good for the soul.
- Juicing was the trend of 2013. My brother juiced for Pete's sake!
- Social media is outta control. Not buying into this vine app.
Sorry. I'm not sorry. - There's a reason certain Glade Room Sprays are on sale at the grocery store. Such as Nutcracker Crunch - stuff smells horrible!
- Construction workers are messy.
- I am kidding myself if I think I can drink more than 2 glasses of wine in one sitting.
- It's possible to love your new job just as much as your old job.
- I need some BOTOX.
- Knowing that I am done with child birth is just so awesome.
- Wearing my old jeans is even awesome-er.
- Is it a sign I am getting old when thongs become uncomfortable and that's all I used to wear?
- Clients that become your friends are the best kind to have.
- Seeing your kids get excited when they see their grandparents is the sweetest thing.
- Who knew parades are kinda cool?
- Gimme a bouncy house and a fenced in yard and I will show you a happy mom.
- We finished renovating the first floor...I'm exhausted thinking about the second floor.
- Not washing my hair everyday has been a game changer.
- I am so grateful we are all healthy.
- I'm in a good place.
- You constantly have to reinvent yourself to stay ahead of the curve. Also exhausting.
- I have a serious case of wanderlust.
- Is it me or is Modern Family funny again?
- I am so grateful for the opportunities and people I've met through this blog.
- My favorite night is now Friday night. We have dance parties and drink wine. What's bad about that?
- Watching your child make friends and enjoy school is just so gratifying.
- Mean girls never get ahead in life. They just stay mean.
- iPhone updates really suck a nut. I feel duped.
- Sometimes I need to learn to say "no". Learning when my plate is full has become a challenge.
- But I still want to start my own business. See #34.
- Our nanny, and I've said it before, is really an amazing person. We are so lucky to have her.
- OOTD posts are really unnatural to me. I feel like a goober.
- Cutting my hair short was a smart move.
- I love kale chips and I don't care who knows it!
- I need to cut back on my caffeine.
- I need a European adventure in my life.
- ...and a girl's trip. Takers?
- It's OK for parents to give themselves a time out.
- Toddler tantrums just plain suck.
- We have an unnatural amount of pink princess crap in our house.
- I feel inspired again. Gonna work really hard to create original, invigorating content for this blog.
- I regained my confidence in 2013. I feel like myself again.
- I saw one movie in the theater this year: The Wolf on Wall Street. If Leo doesn't win an award this year, I am boycotting the awards shows.
- I am addicted to Instagram. There, I said it.
- I love my husband for supporting me through and through this year. We went through a lot of changes. Thank you.
Hasta 2013. 2014, I'm really excited you're here!