Week Wrap Up + Links

Here's what happened in our world this week:
  1. Lola is killin' it in the hair department lately. Pebbles Flintstone anyone?
  2. Halloween was very wet. We got Olivia out and she truly loved the experience. {thank you Grandma for tagging along}
  3. Lola's pumpkin. Target makes the best pumpkin kits for $5!
  4. My daughter took a lesson in print remastering and nailed it.

Here are some cool things that happened in the rest of the world:
  1. Just used my reward points to grab this dress...love the color palette!
  2. My husband's favorite hot sauce could be in jeopardy. Shit.
  3. Cute dresses for your day job.
  4. I think I need this entry way table to replace our current one.
  5. There's a Santa rumor floating around that I might receive gold flatware...squeal!