The big Fall family post!

Not much else to say other than we love a good pumpkin patch! Life has gotten so busy that it's been awhile since we headed out on a family outing with one mission: FUN! 

With no agenda, Saturday was all about the kiddos. I get asked this all the time so I'm making it official. The best pumpkin patch of all time is Goebberts. It is the pumpkin-iest of all the pumpkin patches in the land. Observe...

There is a magical animal-land that tots lose their minds in. Bring your wallets because you wouldn't believe the premium on carrots at this joint. They must be going extinct.

Little sis observes. 

I think Olivia had sore cheeks the rest of the day because her smile lit up the pony tent.
This was a first time ride here, folks.

I love this picture more than a bag of pumpkin Reese's peanut butter cups. 

I mean shut-the-front-door with that toothy grin and those striped leggings.
She's my little jack-o-lantern this Halloween.

In other news, if you hear my eldest daughter publicly exclaim that she's "looking for beetches," just know we are not teaching her profanity on the home front. "Beetches" are also known as witches to you and I. Beetches are only found during the month of October.

As Olivia would say..."where are you beetches?"

Happy Fall, yo!