Lake livin'
It's true what they say...lake livin' is easy. The biggest decision of our day was where to eat our next meal. We spent a lot of time outside and tried to wear the kids out with as much fresh air as humanly possible. This semi-worked. Exhibit A below: never feed your toddler Blue Moon ice cream before bedtime. Mistake.
This beach was so relaxing. Our kids on the beach...not so much. But, if you are heading to New Buffalo, I'd spend an entire day here.
Serene walks were made for napping babies. It was the only way we could press "pause" midday and have a little conversation.
Our cottage was beyond adorable. Impeccably decorated with great outdoor space for Lucy.
Our last dinner time walk. This was the only day I sported makeup the entire trip. So unlike me but it was a pretty great feeling! We're a colorful bunch aren't we?
There you have it...our lake livin' vacation. Are we glad we did it? Absolutely! Was it hard with two littles? Indeed! Would we do it again? For sure. Cheers to Summer!