"Wowwwwwwww. Ohhhhhhhh."
This year's lighting festival down the Magnificent Mile was a bit different than last year. For one, we have a walker. And second, Olivia down right knew those Disney characters proclaiming many "wowwwww's" throughout the ceremony. It was equal parts funny and satisfying to see how far she'd come. And does this girl love a marching band?! Lucky for us they were in abundance between the big floats.
It even made the 1.5 hours it took to get downtown amidst Saturday traffic well worth it. The three of us treated ourselves to dinner @ Bistrot Zinc. {quite honestly my favorite french bistro in the city}
A lovely Saturday had by all despite the fact that we photo bombed our "Olivia sandwich" photo.
P.S. Lola stayed home with a sitter nursing the remainder of a cold. We love her, too!