Cherish Friday!

It almost seems like my life has been on fast forward these past few weeks. A finished nursery, a work baby shower, social obligations, the obligatory weekly doc appointment and relishing the last few moments of Summer with Olivia before she assumes the official title of "big sister." It doesn't sound too earth shattering but sometimes it feels like I am gasping for air. Actually, I usually am after carrying around this beach ball but that's another story.

It's been a great week of blogging. I learned so much from your feedback on this post and we had a fun giveaway, didn't we? {It's still on by the way!} Thank you!

We're laying low this weekend. And by low, I mean, keeping the baby in for just awhile longer. Word on the  street is that she's gettin' ready for the big show. Yikes!

Cherish these last few weekends of summer - Fall is a minute away!