A caffeinated Friday...puhleaz!
illustration via Apple Tea
Good morning all. This was one of those busted weeks and I try to refrain from complaining but I had to tell ya...cuz, ya know...we're friends and all.
So, Olivia is teething apparently. And apparently teething is usually accompanied by a cold. What that means for me is that I have slept through the night once since Sunday. {I know, total martyr card here} And I can see those little, pearly white jerks just ready to pop through but you can't blame her...it hurts! So yes, today will be a day of consuming large quantities of caffeine so that I can coast through my meetings. "Coast" being the operative word.
In other news, we had a couples massage this week and that was lovely. You know it's a good massage when you catch yourself slurping up some drool before it hits the table.
...and we had a fabulous giveaway which has generated some fun responses. Thank you! It's still going on thru Monday so be sure to enter!
...and finally; I am looking forward to a photography boot camp with my partner in crime tomorrow followed by an engagement party. BTW, what do you bring to engagement parties these days? I plan to hit Armitage Ave. after my meetings.
Cheers kids...hope you have a restful weekend. Be sure to leave work at work and catch up with the ones you love!