Stamp my passport!

We're ready! It's been a year since our last big trip to Brazil and even longer since our beloved trip to Thailand. *le sigh* Traveling will clearly be different now but the babe isn't going to slow us down all together. In fact, we are currently researching destinations and I'd love your suggestions or opinions. We want to avoid domestic if we can but we don't feel like a long plane ride to Europe and beyond...which leaves the islands. Here's what's on our list:
  1. Curacao
  2. St. Thomas
  3. Aruba
  4. St. Lucia
  5. Turks
  6. Costa Rica
  7. Grand Cayman
  8. Bahamas
I am sure we are missing some fabulous destinations. What do you guys think? We'd like to go sometime in March and avoid Spring Breakers. And O will be 10 months old! Whoa. A 4-hour plane right sounds manageable.

I'm all ears - hit me! Do's, Dont's and everything in between!