Inspiration: Christmas

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Oh Pinterest...where have you been all my life? Admittedly I have been feeling a tad uninspired this year. It seems like we all have so much on our plates that Christmas is coming and going and I am totally unprepared. Not normal in these parts.

But! Nobody likes a complainer so I've rounded up my favorite Pinterest images in hopes that I will begin to feel the Christmas magic. After all, I owe it to the Little Miss, regardless if she will remember it or not. We even attempted to kick things off last night by keeping our tickets to the Nutcracker. I must say, it was totally worth it. I loved every second of it. And dinner here was not to shabby either. 

Are you in the Christmas spirit? What did you do to kick off the season?

P.S. Still no tree. Does anyone want to bring over a pre-decorated one and set it up for us?