I'm in a ___ state of mind...
photos courtesy Express-O
I have a great job, really, I do. And one of the greatest things about it was the travel. For a long time, I was making biweekly visits to NYC for meetings and the such. Admittedly, I got spoiled because I was technically living between two great cities. I wouldn't trade a thing in terms of the past year and all but something's got me missing NYC hard as of late. Now I feel like I took for granted those busy-stiletto-crushing-cab-hailing-rush hour-sweating-pencil-skirt-wearing business trips when I had just enough time to sneak in a quick visit to TopShop in between meetings. Or smell roasted peanuts. Or meet my bestie for a cocktail @ the Ritz. Or nosh on a black and white cookie. Or give directions to a total stranger. Those were fun days.
There's only one cure for my Big Apple itch. Time to head back and visit my dear friend for an unexpected work trip. The timing is a smidge stressful but I welcome the opportunity to blend into the sea of suits. Wish me luck!
P.S. I am painfully aware that I am behind on my blogging...stay with me. So sorry! I'll be back 100% soon.