Guest blogger: Kate of DomestiKatedLife
Hello everyone! This is Kate from DomestiKatedLife, guest posting while new Mommy Johanna is enjoying some well deserved time off!
When a friend has a baby you make a home cooked meal or some delicious baked goods and bring them over so the new mom doesn't have to worry about cooking, right? Well, since Johanna has become one of my wonderful blog friends and I can't bring over a tray brownies, I thought I would send her a little home cooking love on the blog and round up some delicious recipes for her readers instead.
There seems to be a trend happening where bakers are taking something delicious -- like a cookie or cupcake -- and stuffing it with something even more delicious -- like an Oreo -- to make something out of this world. Let's start with the basics: Oreo stuffed chocolate chip cookies; a classic, inside of a classic.
Another staple, but for the chocolate obsessed: Brownies with Oreos baked inside -- and just because it wasn't enough, the recipe calls for them to be served with cookies and cream ice cream!
And finally, the most indulgent for last! (Yes, we're getting MORE indulgent). Cookies and cream Oreo stuffed rice krispy treats. I'm overwhelmed with joy just typing those words. YUM.
Go check these recipes out, and if you live nearby, be sure to drop some off for Johanna!
Congrats, Johanna, and thanks for having me!
Recipes for cookies, brownies, cupcakes, and rice krispy treats.
When a friend has a baby you make a home cooked meal or some delicious baked goods and bring them over so the new mom doesn't have to worry about cooking, right? Well, since Johanna has become one of my wonderful blog friends and I can't bring over a tray brownies, I thought I would send her a little home cooking love on the blog and round up some delicious recipes for her readers instead.
There seems to be a trend happening where bakers are taking something delicious -- like a cookie or cupcake -- and stuffing it with something even more delicious -- like an Oreo -- to make something out of this world. Let's start with the basics: Oreo stuffed chocolate chip cookies; a classic, inside of a classic.
Another staple, but for the chocolate obsessed: Brownies with Oreos baked inside -- and just because it wasn't enough, the recipe calls for them to be served with cookies and cream ice cream!
Some say that cupcakes are over-played, but I say, cupcakes never go out of style. Especially with a new spin on them, like these cookies and cream cupcakes with Oreo bits in the batter.
And finally, the most indulgent for last! (Yes, we're getting MORE indulgent). Cookies and cream Oreo stuffed rice krispy treats. I'm overwhelmed with joy just typing those words. YUM.
Go check these recipes out, and if you live nearby, be sure to drop some off for Johanna!
Congrats, Johanna, and thanks for having me!
Recipes for cookies, brownies, cupcakes, and rice krispy treats.