Tweedy Friday

photos courtesy Austin Nelson via Wilco
To say I am excited for this weekend would be an understatement. I am very. The hubs and I are going to see Jeff Tweedy and although I am a slow learner I can tell you that I find the man ridiculously endearing and quite enchanting live. And funny, too. The weekend also brings some grubbin' with a soon-to-be-bride and some volunteering @ this awesome event. Yes, I like to stay busy.

In other news...the babe is the size of a head of cauliflower. Not sure what I think about that one. Vegetables haven't been as fun as fruits but hey...we're gettin' there. Enjoy the weekend!

P.S. Thanks for the great "guest blogging" response thus far! I'd love to meet more of you. Keep it comin'!