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The new mom uniform: a swimsuit and cutoff.

It all started with quarantine. My uniform shifted because my meetings grew to be more virtual than ever so I started dressing like a news anchor. You got that right. Business on the top, party on the bottom. Sweats became a staple. Well, that bled into soon-to-be Phase IV of our re-entry and wouldn’t you know it, it’s officially summer. Nowadays I crave lightweight sundresses, palazzo pants and cutoffs. When it comes to the weekend, I live in bathing suits to get my kids outside. Hence, my new mom uniform is a suit and cutoffs. Unofficially, official.

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What I learned @ Female Founder Collective...

In March, before the pandemic blew up, I went on a retreat of sorts. It was a personal retreat you could say. I spoke to my partner after getting accepted into the Female Founder Collective and we both agreed that this was a great networking opportunity. Even with the early news of Covid, I anxiously packed my bags and flew to New York.

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Getting comfortable with uncomfortable.

Have you given up on 2020 yet? If you’re contemplating it, I am here to tell you that you shouldn’t! This could be our greatest year of change in decades so get comfortable with getting uncomfortable. It’s here to stay and that’s a good thing!

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Silence speaks loud. Black lives matter.

Despite the fact that we don’t know what to say or how to articulate our feelings regarding last week’s events; saying absolutely nothing at all seems like a stance as well and that’s not one I am willing to take. Instead, I want to use this week to find ways to educate myself, my family and most important of all - be part of the change. I want to help put an end to hatred once and for all. In doing so, I want to share a list of resources that I am discovering or have connected to in the past. I expect this list to grow with more time and education.

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I drank 64+ oz of tea for 60 days and this is what happened.

At best, I have two beverages in front of me at all times. Caffeine is a constant be it in the form of coffee in the morning to iced tea in the afternoon. I’d like to think I am pretty hydrated. But I wasn’t. Truth is, I really loathe drinking plain water. It’s just so B-O-R-I-N-G. While I know it is the best thing for your body, it’s always been such a chore for me. Unrelated, I have a host of GI issues so you can imagine what the lack of water does for my body. Not a good sitch.

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Savoring the weekend.

The weekends are always so short aren’t they? Now more than ever we’ve been trying to start the week with a peaceful mind and a grateful heart. That means the weekends include outside time when at all possible, lots of FaceTiming, good food and the occasional nap. I know this doesn’t that different than pre-pandemic but it is mentally speaking. Now we savor the weekends, tackle projects, dress up for no reason and hug a little bit more. And there is hope. We have more of that, too because we’ve been quarantined for so long that we know there is light at the end of the tunnel.

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Quarantine plan of attack.

Throughout this entire historical moment, I’ve found the best way to ease anxiety is to make an action plan. Even if that plan only gets you through this week, determining next steps and distracting your focus from the negatives is what has gotten me through the rough patches and kept me optimistically motivated.

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