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Quarantine Survival Tips For Kids: Part II

We are in the middle of week four at home. So much to say. How are you all feeling? If I am being honest, this week feels the hardest for me but it’s not over quite yet. Home schooling has gotten a bit more structured but I wouldn’t say it has been smooth sailing. I hate to be Debbie Downer on here but truthfully, it’s extraordinarily difficult for two working parents. My 3rd grader is pretty independent but my 2nd grader…not so much! Looks like we are back to the crafting board…and wine. #sorrynotsorry

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Luxury splurges to last.

Since the creation of my Real vs. Steal series, I’ve always been on the hunt for comparable products that perform just as well as their high end counterparts. But then I failed to realize that I’ve never talked about the big spends I actually HAVE saved for. As we all know, it can be hard to pull the trigger to spend on items with hefty price tags, but sometimes it has to be done. Some of my favorite closet staples have had astronomic prices, but I find myself reaching for them consistently. And if we’re talking CPW (cost-per-wear) I have DEFINITELY gotten the bang for my buck. As expensive as some of these choices are, they pair back perfectly with any outfit, and I can rely on them to complete any look.

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There's a (healthy) gummy for that!

Staying healthy is a top priority for me…especially in the wake of this nasty virus. From working out to making sure my nutrition and diet is up to par, I strongly believe in the power of vitamins and health supplements both of which really came into play when I hit my late 30’s and I started to encounter digestive issues, iron deficiencies and so much more! Not fun.

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Real vs. Steal: The Eyeshadow Palette Edition.

When it comes to makeup and great beauty products, we all have our splurges. Something about high end cosmetics is appealing, it’s the pigmentation or the packaging. I can’t decide. Repeat makeup purchases get pricey, and for some items (like eyeshadow), you can barely tell the difference when you find a quality affordable option. The Real vs. Steal series continues and this time I’m bringing you the best budget friendly alternatives for some of the most popular luxury palettes.

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All dressed up with nowhere to go.

“Influencing” our communities has never been so weird. We are tasked with inspiring, uplifting and informing on a daily basis but that is now awkward and uncomfortable. Thank you Covid-19. Some of us want to temper the changes with humor which, is welcome while others are struggling to find the right words. I am somewhere in-between on this spectrum.

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Quarantine Survival Tips with Kiddos

Friends, we have truly entered strange times. It’s all we talk about at home and things seem to be changing by the hour. We are now faced with home schooling, potential national lock down and maintaining our normal work loads as working parents. We all have questions but with a little creativity and a new home structure plan…we will get through this!

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