It’s true…you won’t find any gift guides here because I am simply lacking the time BUT I am always happy to share what I purchased for my loved ones and…well…me because those sales were crazy good.
Read MoreI’m a pretty good gift giver, relatively speaking. There are only a few people on my holiday list that stump me each year and it’s usually related to budget and their role in my life. For example, what do you get the teacher that gets loads of ornaments and chocolate? Or the cleaning woman who has been with your family for a decade? Or the musical theater teacher? You want it to be meaningful, reasonable and you definitely want to avoid status quo. Anyone feel me on this?
Read MoreI have to tell you, Ann Taylor is so incredibly good this year. It’s a whole new world of trend setting looks for the modern woman not to mention quality and details. I am utterly obsessed with plaid once again thanks to my AT Team. So obsessed that I even grabbed a pair of plaid shoes for the holidays. Who am I?
Read MoreThe calendar is blowing up which means a lot of frantic running minus the QT with our little, nuclear family. You never know how much you need it until you miss it, do it and then love it. I never want to be too busy to notice when I need to stop and pump the brakes which is why our jazzy brunch at Hey Nonny came at the perfect time.
Read MoreThis isn’t a post about me at all. This post has been rattling around in the back of my head for some time and I think the universe was trying to tell me something because last week my friends shared several instances in which people had judged them over the internets. People like you and me decided to weigh in on their decisions completely unsolicited. Some opinions were based on superfluous things while others took an incredible amount of courage to discuss. I shook and continue to shake my head at these instances. One: I can relate because I have sat in that hot seat and two: what kind of world do we live in in which humans can be wretchedly mean when disguised behind a computer or some silly social media handle?
Read MoreI resisted the teddy-type coat for a long time. Guess what? This style isn’t going anywhere and once I laid eyes on this star print…it was over. OVA! Best part? No animals were harmed in the making of this coat. See, everyone is happy.
Read MoreIf you follow me on Instagram, you know I have declared myself a sweater connoisseur of sorts. All in the name of research, my friends. This coupled with how many of you loved my last sweater post…I’ve decided to bring you a second edition. All under $100 and oh so chunky, cozy and perfectly soft. I’ve tried and tested almost all of these in person or ordered so I could speak authentically to my fellow shoppers. See what I do for you? The one I am wearing is a whopping $34!
Read MoreSome days, in order for me to show up, I’ve got to dress up. Confidence starts within and when I feel good, I perform even better!
We’ve had a rocky start to the week with a sick little one and very little sleep but we’ve hit our midweek stride and I am grateful for that. Yesterday, however, I was running on 2-hours of sleep fumes as was my Lola. Blame the incessant coughing from a nasty little school virus but I knew we had a busy day ahead of us and if I was going to run on all cylinders, I needed to do my hair, my makeup and get DRESSED. Copious amounts of caffeine help, too.
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